How Much Does Medical Record Scanning Cost?

We talk a lot on our blog about Medical Record Scanning as more and more people are out there looking for services to support the nationwide rollout of EMR Solutions. It’s common, however, that we get a request from someone looking for a rough idea of Medical Record Scanning Prices. It’s an understandable question, as I know …

Bulk Document Scanning – Make it someone else’s problem!

If you’re staring at a mountain of paper and not sure where to start, take a deep breath and read on. Bulk Document Scanning is easier than you think. When it comes to converting significant volumes of paper, the easiest, most cost effective option is often to outsource it to a professional document scanning company …

Medical Record Scanning gets New Meaning

The team at recently highlighted how a Bronx Healthcare clinic is using a new type of Optical Recognition to retrieve Medical Records, and it’s not quite what you’d think of when you bring up Medical Record Scanning . The clinic – Urban Health Plan – is using Scans of a Patient’s Iris (the unique part of the …

Medical Record Scanning Project Preparation Guide

To efficiently manage a Medical Record Scanning Project, it’s helpful to understand what is involved in the process.  A clear step-by-step overview will help clarify expectations and will save you lots of time and frustration later on. Scanning medical records is not overly complicated, and with some careful planning, you can ensure that your practice runs more …

Not Ready for an Enterprise EMR? Investigate a DMI Solution

It’s happening…slowly! Although the Federal Government has enacted legislation providing physicians with incentives to implement EMR technology and penalties for those who do not by 2015, today only six percent of U.S. physicians use a fully functioning system. Why? For one, Enterprise Electronic Medical Records systems require physicians and their staff to change the way …

The 3 Best Reasons to Outsource Paper Scanning

Why Outsource Paper Scanning? Three Reasons – Cost, Speed, and Accuracy. Outsourcing paper scanning allows companies to redirect their core resources toward the activities of greater value while still realizing the benefits of document scanning.