5 Ways Accounts Payable Workflow can Improve Profits

Accounts Payable doesn’t need to be viewed as only a cost center. In fact, there are some easy changes that can save significant financial and labor resources, and help the organization’s bottom line. Effective Document Management is certainly one of them, but these changes are critical to helping further drive the value: To learn more …

Document Management and the EMR – Conflicting Signals

There’s a great post on the Hyland Software blog about how the Electronic Health Record needs to show more than just Patient Data. The post highlights some feedback from Last Month’s HIMSS Conference, but the point is that Healthcare Organizations need to keep their eyes and ears open as they move forward with implementing Electronic …

What is a Business Record? | Questions about Records Management

Nearly every time a transaction occurs, or an inventory is docked, or money changes hands, a paper record of that transaction is produced. Orders, receipts, schedules, loans, contracts, policies, inventory statements, memoranda and notifications all fall under the broad reach of the term “record”. In essence, a record is the footprint of successful business, and …

OnBase is Awesome – Document Management Haiku

So simple, and yet so beautiful. Kind of Like OnBase. OnBase is the Haiku of Document Management Software, so I figured that I would make a Haiku about OnBase. Enjoy… OnBase is Awesome Folders and Integration Find All of Your Files If you want to know what could be so awesome about Document Management Software …

What does the Apple iPad mean for Document Management?

With the news that the Apple’s iPad has accepted pre-orders for upwards of 120,000 units, there is a great deal of speculation of whether the device will make its way into the Corporate IT Landscape.  How will it work? Who will use it? What applications will lead to rapid adoption? These are the same questions that accompanied the …